Bandaging The Wounded

2000, Sinj, Croatia

Emil Tomasović

Video documentation of the performance is in the collections of the Museum of Fine Arts

In Sinj, my hometown, in the Đardin Park, in the 1950s, a sculpture of Ivan Mirković was installed. It is a monument to the anti-fascist fighters of the Second World War, which shows a female partisan holding a wounded partisan in her arms. The sculpture resembles the Pietà motif.

During the 1990s, Croatian nationalists severely damaged the sculpture with explosives. (Over 3,000 monuments dedicated to the anti-fascist struggle in the Second World War were destroyed or removed from public areas by Croatian nationalists during the 1990s.) Parts of the sculpture were torn off in the explosion, and the monument was full of holes.

They wounded a sculpture whose subject is a wounded partisan.

On the Day of the Anti-Fascist Struggle, July 22, 2000, I cleaned the garbage accumulated for years at the bottom of the fallen sculpture, I cleaned the torn parts with wound cleaning liquid, smeared it with wound healing ointment and bandaged the entire sculpture. I treated the monument like a doctor treating an injured human being.